EF Core 1.1: Run Reverse Engineer from Code

EF Core includes the ability to reverse engineer a model from an existing database - using the Scaffold-DbContext command in Visual Studio, or the dotnet ef dbcontext scaffold command for .NET CLI. For an introduction, see Getting Started with an Existing Database. The Problem The commands mentioned above are designed to be invoked on a … Continue reading EF Core 1.1: Run Reverse Engineer from Code

EF6.x Correlating Poor Performing SQL to Application Code

When using an O/RM, poor performing SQL statements are often not discovered until you (or your DBA) find that a particular query is slowing down your database server. At this point, it becomes hard to identify which piece of application code is causing that SQL to be executed.   An interceptor to log slow/failed SQL … Continue reading EF6.x Correlating Poor Performing SQL to Application Code

EF6.1–Workaround Trailing Blanks Issue in String Joins

A semi-common issue that folks hit with Entity Framework is that the in-memory semantics for “relationship fixup” are different than how SQL Server performs joins with regard to trailing spaces in strings. Relationship fixup is the process where EF looks at primary and foreign key values and populates navigation properties when they match.   The … Continue reading EF6.1–Workaround Trailing Blanks Issue in String Joins

Processor named ‘T4VSHost’ could not be found for the directive named ‘CleanupBehavior’

There are two scenarios in which you may see the 'Processor named ‘T4VSHost’ could not be found for the directive named ‘CleanupBehavior’' error after installing Visual Studio 2012 Update 1. Inside Visual Studio when code is being generated from an EF model - this isn't supposed to happen and something probably went wrong during install. … Continue reading Processor named ‘T4VSHost’ could not be found for the directive named ‘CleanupBehavior’

EF6: Writing Your Own Code First Migration Operations

Migrations provides a set of strongly typed APIs for performing common operation, for example CreateIndex("dbo.Blogs", "Url"). We also provide a method that allows you to run arbitrary SQL when you want to do something that isn’t supported by the API, for example Sql("GRANT SELECT ON dbo.Blogs to guest"). There are some disadvantages to the Sql … Continue reading EF6: Writing Your Own Code First Migration Operations

Extending And Customizing Code First Models – Part 2 of 2

Here is the scenario, your company ships a library or application that contains a Code First model for accessing the database. Your customers want to extend this model to include extra types/properties to meet their specific business needs. These types/properties will be stored in additional tables/columns in the application database. In Part 1 we looked at … Continue reading Extending And Customizing Code First Models – Part 2 of 2